Bifocal toric intraocular lenses – 6 years of own experience

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Adam Cywiński
Sandra Penter
Łukasz Bednarski
Daniela Ferda-Lewińska
Marcin Gacek


A retrospective analysis of parameters of vision and postoperative complaints in 428 patients (606 eyes) undergoing cataract surgery or clear lens extraction with ontime bifocal lens implantation from Oculentis®. An artificial lens implantation has been used in one or in both eyes in patients without preoperative eye defect. Next groups have included patients with preoperative hyperopia, myopia and with corneal astigmatism. The biggest number of patients have got spherical lenses with addition +3,0 Dsph to near distances, subsequently with addition +1,5 Dsph and toric lenses. Another two groups who were analyzed were whose patients who needed posterior vitrectomy and who have been preoperatively diagnosed with Age Related Macular Changes, dry and exudative changes. The main inclusion criteria was a need to become free of glasses to far and near distances. Almost all of patients have gained satisfactory visual acuity and quality of vision while maintaining the appropriate inclusion criteria. One of the criteria assumes that patients with bigger size of the pupil have implanted lenses with less addition to near distances and corneal astigmatism was corrected even if the value was below 1 dioptria.


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Cywiński A, Penter S, Bednarski Łukasz, Ferda-Lewińska D, Gacek M. Bifocal toric intraocular lenses – 6 years of own experience. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Dec.31 [cited 2025Mar.7];5(4):246-53. Available from:


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