The efficiency of optometric vision therapy in accommodative esotropia with high AC/A ratio

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Anna Przekoracka-Krawczyk
Monika Wojtczak-Kwaśniewska


Convergence excess esotropia is commonly treated with corrective glasses (plus lenses), which reduces the angle of deviation for a distance, but the near deviation is still observed. Two types of approach are used to manage convergence excess esotropia: bifocals or eye muscles surgery. Nevertheless, both treatments seem to fail to influence the stereovision. The paper describes the case of 10-year-old girl, diagnosed with convergence excess esotropia with high AC/A ratio, who was subjected to the optometric vision therapy and bifocals. As an effect, visual parameters were improved, and majority of visual symptoms decreased. This case indicates that treatment plan for esotropia should include improvement of accommodation, eye movements and inter-ocular suppression, what strongly influence oculo-motor control and stereovision.


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Przekoracka-Krawczyk A, Wojtczak-Kwaśniewska M. The efficiency of optometric vision therapy in accommodative esotropia with high AC/A ratio. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Sep.28 [cited 2025Mar.9];5(3):201-5. Available from:


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