Hybrid vitrectomy – a new direction in vitreoretinal surgery

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Dominika Nowakowska
Maria Małaczek
Robert Rejdak


The term “hybrid” is derived from the Latin hybris and means hybrids. The word “hybrid” also means combining several separate elements into one cooperating system. Thus, hybrid operating techniques are those that are a mix of stages or elements derived from at least two different procedures. The idea of hybrid vitrectomy is to use two sets of tools in one treatment, differing in the diameter of the cross-section, which allows combining the advantages offered by each of these tools. Hybrid vitrectomy is used in many disease states of the retina and vitreous. There is agreement that it is a particularly desirable surgical technique in the most complicated cases.


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Nowakowska D, Małaczek M, Rejdak R. Hybrid vitrectomy – a new direction in vitreoretinal surgery. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Sep.28 [cited 2025Mar.9];5(3):159-64. Available from: https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/ophthatherapy/article/view/535


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