Laser dacryocystorhinostomy – the lasers use in treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction

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Marcin Broda
Michał Michalik
Dominika Białas
Radosław Różycki


Obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct, impeding the proper outflow of tears from the conjunctival sac to the nasal cavity, is a common disorder that is clinically manifested as tearing. Dacryocystorhinostomy is the creation of a direct fistula between the tear sack and the nasal cavity. The surgical approach may be external or endoscopic with or without a laser. Laser dacryocystorhinostomy is now a recognized procedure for the treatment of lacrimation resulting from nasal-lacrimal duct obstruction. The method has many advantages over conventional treatment. These advantages include: the absence of external scars, the possibility of simultaneous treatment of nasal cavity pathology, sparing of the medial lining of the eyelids, intact tear pump mechanism. The laser treatment time is also shorter with a comparable success rate to classic surgery. The introduction of a laser for tear-ditch surgery made it possible to treat tear-lacrimal obstruction in a simpler and less invasive way.


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Broda M, Michalik M, Białas D, Różycki R. Laser dacryocystorhinostomy – the lasers use in treatment of lacrimal duct obstruction. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2018Jun.29 [cited 2024Jul.22];5(2):109-13. Available from:


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