Laser vision correction and binocular vision – case reports Case report

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Wiktor Truszkowski
Dominika Janiszewska-Bil
Barbara Czarnota
Joanna Wierzbowska


Laser vision correction (LVC) is the removal of refractive errors, by changing the geometry of the cornea. It doesn’t directly affect binocular vision. However, the condition of the patient’s binocular vision is a very important. That affects the quality of life, which also indirectly translates into the patient’s satisfaction with the LVC procedure. Based on the presented cases, this article proves how important it is to examine binocular vision before laser vision correction. The influence of the prismatic effect of spectacle lenses on the control of binocular vision and the risk of strabismus decompensation, which
is most often associated with double vision. The described cases are people with problems with binocular vision. The article includes methods of treatment (contact lens test, vision therapy) to check and eliminate the above-mentioned problem.


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How to Cite
Truszkowski W, Janiszewska-Bil D, Czarnota B, Wierzbowska J. Laser vision correction and binocular vision – case reports. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2024Jun.30 [cited 2024Oct.26];11(2):171-6. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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