Treatments of Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: an overview of current therapeutic and prophylactic strategies Review article

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Katarzyna Chamera-Cyrek
Liliana Dyląg
Oliwia Sikora
Bartłomiej Żaczek
Oliwia Cwalina
Monika Molga
Zuzanna Mrugała
Jan Maciej Baran
Dawid Rowiński
Aneta Podczerwińska
Clara Kuzminski
Ilona Pawlicka
Anna Maria Roszkowska
Maciej Kozak


Shingles and its complications are a significant issue in medicine, primarily affecting the elderly. The condition is caused by the reactivation of infection by a virus, whose primary clinical manifestation is chickenpox. A particular form of shingles is the ocular type, where changes occur along the branches of the trigeminal nerve. During the course of the disease, numerous symptoms concerning the eyeball may occur, and the patient is exposed to many dangerous and troublesome complications. In the following article, we will present available therapeutic and preventive options aimed at treating and preventing Herpes zoster ophthalmicus.


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Chamera-Cyrek K, Dyląg L, Sikora O, Żaczek B, Cwalina O, Molga M, Mrugała Z, Baran JM, Rowiński D, Podczerwińska A, Kuzminski C, Pawlicka I, Roszkowska AM, Kozak M. Treatments of Herpes zoster ophthalmicus: an overview of current therapeutic and prophylactic strategies. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2024Aug.14 [cited 2025Jan.21];00. Available from:


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