Clinical importance of proper regeneration of the ocular surface after cataract surgery Review article

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Justyna Izdebska
Katarzyna Samelska


Ophthalmic surgeries, including cataract surgery, lead to higher occurrence of eye surface disease. Tear film abnormalities are present in more than 60% of cataract patients. Patients with increased risk of perioperative dry eye syndrome should be treated before the surgery. Artificial tears are the first line treatment. In case they are insufficient, immunomodulants are used. Eyelid margin hygiene also exerts positive effect in patients with Meibomian gland dysfunction. Out of artificial tears ingredients, hyaluronic acid and Ginkgo biloba extract show positive effect.


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Izdebska J, Samelska K. Clinical importance of proper regeneration of the ocular surface after cataract surgery. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2024Mar.31 [cited 2024Oct.22];11(1):69-4. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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