The morphology of epiretinal membranes in SS-OCT and SS-OCT angiography and its impact on surgical outcomes Review article

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Bartosz Biliński
Zofia Anna Nawrocka


The aim of this review is to revisit the current state of knowledge regarding epiretinal membranes, explore current methods of medical diagnosis, and assess the impact of Swept-source OCT (SS-OCT) and SS-OCT angiography (SS-OCT A) on therapeutic procedures. Several attempts have been made to establish a staging classification system for this well-known retinal pathology, yet not all of them proved to be clinically useful. This work intends to improve understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease, selecting the most important symptoms to aid classification according to the stage of advancement and correct recognition of the appropriate moment of surgical intervention to achieve a better postoperative effect. This article demonstrates the benefits of using SS-OCT and SS-OCT A in the treatment of epiretinal membrane, describing the morphological changes of the retina that can be observed.


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Biliński B, Nawrocka ZA. The morphology of epiretinal membranes in SS-OCT and SS-OCT angiography and its impact on surgical outcomes. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2024Sep.30 [cited 2025Jan.22];11(3):229-35. Available from:


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