Causes of disqualification from the laser vision correction surgery Original research study

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Dominika Kalwa-Grabowska
Ilona Piotrowiak-Słupska
Bartłomiej J. Kałużny


The aim of the article is to establish the reasons for disqualification from laser vision correction surgery and to compile data on the most common reasons for not qualifying for the procedure. The specific patients in which the procedure can be performed should be carefully considered. For people who are not qualified for surgery, there are many alternative methods of correcting vision defects.


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Kalwa-Grabowska D, Piotrowiak-Słupska I, Kałużny BJ. Causes of disqualification from the laser vision correction surgery. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2022Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.5];9(4):264-71. Available from:
Surgery and laser therapy


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