The use of somatotropin and myopia Original research study

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Marek E. Prost


Aim of the study: Long-term observation of changes of the eye axial length and refraction in children treated with growth hormone.

Material and methods: The studies were performed in 11 children treated with somatropin, who had eye examinations performed annually, including measurements of the eye axial length and refraction. The observation period was 5–9 years.

Results: 55% of the observed children showed an excessively increase in the axial eye length and the development or progression of pre-existing myopia.

Conclusion: The use of somatropin in children may cause excessive elongation of the eye axial length and the development or progression of pre-existing myopia.


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Prost ME. The use of somatotropin and myopia. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2022Dec.31 [cited 2025Feb.22];9(4):226-9. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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