Bilateral anterior lenticonus in the course of Alport syndrome – a case report Case report

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Ada Pandey
Justyna Gugnowska
Angelika Kruszyńska
Oliwia Cwalina
Kinga Czarnacka
Małgorzata Gawlak
Alicja Chmura
Maciej Kozak
Katarzyna Sajak-Hydzik
Ilona Pawlicka


Alport syndrome is a genetic disease that leads not only to chronic kidney disease but also to loss of hearing and vison. The article presents a case of a 34-year-old with anterior lenticonus in Alport syndrome. Due to the progressive deterioration of vision and the ineffectiveness of the selection of glasses, he was qualified for the surgery – the phacoemulsification for immature cataract of distorted lenses.


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Pandey A, Gugnowska J, Kruszyńska A, Cwalina O, Czarnacka K, Gawlak M, Chmura A, Kozak M, Sajak-Hydzik K, Pawlicka I. Bilateral anterior lenticonus in the course of Alport syndrome – a case report. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2022Jun.30 [cited 2025Mar.9];9(2):107-16. Available from:
Conservative treatment


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