The ultrabiomicroscopic examination in diagnostics, treatment and management of patients with glaucoma Review article

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Grzegorz Jasina
Marta Misiuk-Hojło


Ultrabiomicroscopic (UBM) examination is a powerful diagnostic tool that can assist in the management and treatment of many patients. It is especially helpful in the case of glaucoma and damage to the optic nerve. We can successfully treat patients only if we are aware of the disease cause. Although UBM examination cannot replace a complete clinical examination (including dynamic gonioscopy), it is a great supplement that can confirm many diagnoses.


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Jasina G, Misiuk-Hojło M. The ultrabiomicroscopic examination in diagnostics, treatment and management of patients with glaucoma. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2020Sep.30 [cited 2025Mar.9];7(3):185-91. Available from:


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