The role of social media in ophthalmology: a narrative review

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Nuno Moura-Coelho


Social media have played an increasing role in medicine with potential applications for both physicians and patients. This trend has also impacted clinical and surgical practice in ophthalmology in a wide range of subspecialties to promote scientific research findings, provide further tools for teaching, and ease communication between ophthalmologists across the globe improving patient care. However, social media have certain limitations that need to be overcome to ensure their reliability and quality for physicians and patients. This article provides a review of the current applications and pitfalls of social media in ophthalmology.


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Moura-Coelho N. The role of social media in ophthalmology: a narrative review. Ophthatherapy [Internet]. 2020Aug.14 [cited 2025Mar.9];7(3):262-6. Available from:
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