Electrocardiogram in patient with implanted pacemaker. Cardiac pacing – the basic terms Review article

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Kamila Adach
Marek Kuch


Cardiac pacing has been used in the treatment of bradyarrhythmias for about 50 years. Nowadays, in the era of rapid development in devices, both hardware and software have become more advanced. Understanding the clinical aspects of this therapy as well as proper interpretation of ECGs requires the basic “electrical” knowledge. What’s more, to evaluate correctly the ECG findings each physician must check the pacemaker patient identification card, in which all the data are written. In case of troubles with a device, it should be checked by the qualified personnel.


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How to Cite
Adach , K., & Kuch , M. (2007). Electrocardiogram in patient with implanted pacemaker. Cardiac pacing – the basic terms. Cardiology in Practice, 1(3), 107-115. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1703


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