30-year-old pregnant woman after mitral valve replacement Case report

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Małgorzata Miłkowska
Ewa Orłowska-Baranowska


This article presents the case of a 30-year-old pregnant woman after mitral St. Jude Medical 29 mm Silzone valve replacement due to mitral regurgitation during infective endocarditis four years ago. The patient was admitted to hospital to make a decision about antithrombotic treatment during the first trimester of pregnancy. This report underlines the difficulties in the antithrombotic treatment during pregnancy.


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Miłkowska , M., & Orłowska-Baranowska , E. (2010). 30-year-old pregnant woman after mitral valve replacement. Cardiology in Practice, 4(3), 91-94. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1629


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