An impedance cardiography – simple, noninvasive method for determination of cardiac stroke volume. Part 1. Methodical basis Review article

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Gerard Cybulski
Wiktor Niewiadomski
Alicja Zielińska
Anna Strasz
Anna Gąsiorowska


The foundations of the impedance cardiography as a noninvasive method for continuous determination of stroke volume, cardiac output and systolic time intervals (pre-ejection period and left ventricular ejection time) were described. The genesis of the signal, the used arithmetic formulas for SV evaluation and limitation of the method were presented.


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Cybulski , G., Niewiadomski , W., Zielińska , A., Strasz , A., & Gąsiorowska , A. (2011). An impedance cardiography – simple, noninvasive method for determination of cardiac stroke volume. Part 1. Methodical basis. Cardiology in Practice, 5(2), 61-69. Retrieved from


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