Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes mellitus Review article

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Krzysztof Dęmbe
Przemysław Krasnodębski
Mariusz Jasik
Waldemar Karnafel


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is defined as the inability to achieve and maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. ED is an important cause of decreased quality of life. Erectile dysfunction is common complication of diabetes, in prevalence ranging between 20–75%. ED affects diabetic men 10–15 y earlier than the general population. The etiology of ED in diabetes mellitus is multifactorial, with neurovascular, endocrinological factors playing a prominent role. Pathophysiological mechanisms underlying diabetes-associated ED are in large part due to endothelial dysfunction. The therapy of ED should be directed toward the specific cause. For the treatment of ED can been used phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, vacuum erectile devices, intracorporeal injection therapy, vascular surgery, penile prostheses. In hypogonadal men with diabetes mellitus therapy with testosterone is often effective.


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How to Cite
Dęmbe , K., Krasnodębski , P., Jasik , M., & Karnafel , W. (2013). Treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with diabetes mellitus. Cardiology in Practice, 7(1), 43-48. Retrieved from


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