Differences in the effectiveness of dyslipidemia treatment among women and men according to the results of 3ST-POL study Original article

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Daniel Śliż
Krzysztof J. Filipiak
Janusz Siebert
Marek Naruszewicz
Artur Mamcarz


Background: Statins play an important role in a modern cardiological pharmacotherapy. For the patient, as a beneficent of an effective pharmacotherapy the most important is, that his or her doctor can take advantage of capability of administered drugs.

Aims: Comparison of the statin treatment effectiveness among women and men enrolled in 3ST-POL study.

Methods: The study tested 49950 (F: 53%; M: 47%) ambulatory patients from Poland. The questionnaire consisted of 43 questions and was filled out by a doctor, based on the results of physical examination, medical record and results of lipid profile determination as well as additional tests.

Results: Only in terms of TC in burdened patients were observed significant differences in efficacy of treatment between the two genders (TC F: 9,32 vs M: 10,28; p = 0,033; LDL F: 15,76 vs M: 15,42; p > 0,05) (TC F: 15,67 vs M: 16,13; p > 0,05; LDL F: 22,99 vs M: 22,29; p = 0,056).

Conclusion: Results of the 3ST-POL study revealed the similar effectiveness of treatment of dyslipidemia, both=

women and men.


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How to Cite
Śliż , D., Filipiak , K. J., Siebert , J., Naruszewicz , M., & Mamcarz , A. (2014). Differences in the effectiveness of dyslipidemia treatment among women and men according to the results of 3ST-POL study. Cardiology in Practice, 8(2), 28-32. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1535


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