Effective antihypertensive therapy – a combination of ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists in the combined preparation Review article

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Paweł Dziliński
Jacek Lewandowski


The prevalence of hypertension and its poor control requires a simple and effective therapeutic tools. It seems that in the near future, this role will play combined drugs. They are characterized by a higher efficiency than the antihypertensive drugs at the same doses used separately. Combined drugs are also better tolerated and less expensive than separate components. One of the most effective combined drugs is combination of ACE-I and calcium channel blockers. Both groups of drugs have been tested in different patient populations in large controlled studies. It has been shown that a combined drug containing both components effectively lowers blood pressure and is well tolerated.


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How to Cite
Dziliński , P., & Lewandowski , J. (2014). Effective antihypertensive therapy – a combination of ACE inhibitors and calcium antagonists in the combined preparation. Cardiology in Practice, 8(3), 20-25. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1527


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