Effective drugs combination for different faces of hypertension Review article

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Jacek Lewandowski


Hypertension is one of the most common risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It is estimated that every third adult suffers from hypertension all over the world. Hypertension occurs in over 10 million adult Poles and its frequency is increasing. Untreated arterial hypertension leads to numerous complications, including worsening of atherosclerosis, heart and kidney failure, and stroke. Awareness and treatment of hypertension is insufficient. Almost half of Poles do not know that they suffer from arterial hypertension. Of those treated, only ⅓ reach the target blood pressure values. Many factors influence poor blood pressure control, including low patients compliance, inappropriate drugs’ choice and underuse of single pills combinations. Currently, most patients need two or more drugs to control their blood pressure properly. Polytherapy often includes a drug that inhibits the renin–angiotensin system, and a diuretic. An example of such therapy is the use of valsartan and indapamide. Both drugs have proven antihypertensive efficacy and beneficial effects on prognosis.


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How to Cite
Lewandowski , J. (2021). Effective drugs combination for different faces of hypertension. Cardiology in Practice, 15(1-2), 13-18. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1493
Pharmacology in cardiological practice


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