Ivabradine for treating chronic heart failure Review article

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Joanna Bidiuk


Heart rate is one of the main parameters assessing cardiovascular system function. It is well known that increased heart rate is a risk factor of general and cardiovascular mortality in different populations. The classical treatment to achieve heart rate reduction by β-blockers and some calcium-channel antagonists may be limited by contraindictions or adverse reactions.
Ivabradine is a novel pharmacological agent able to slow heart rate without complicating side effects. It acts by inhibiting If ion channels of the sinoatrial node.

The reduction of heart rate by ivabradine has been characterised in several human studies involving healthy volunteers and patients, and in several pooled analyses of data from multiple studies such as BEAUTIFUL, ASSOCIATE, SHIFT and SIGNIFY.


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How to Cite
Bidiuk , J. (2015). Ivabradine for treating chronic heart failure. Cardiology in Practice, 9(1), 31-39. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1353


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