Place of antazoline in modern pharmacotherapy Review article

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Piotr Skrobich


Antazoline belongs to the first generation of antyhistamines, that is, drugs which block the H1 receptor. It presents a number of properties that can be used clinically, including antiarrhytmic activity. Its cardiological use was quite popular years ago. However, with time, due to a large number of side effects, it gave way to newer substances. Currently in Poland, many antiarrhytmic drugs have been withdrawn from the market (ibutilide, flecainide), do not work properly (dronedarone), or the barrier to their use remains the price and availability (vernakalant) or side effects (amiodarone). Antazoline is inexpensive, widely available, safe to use and a growing amount of evidence shows that it is also quite effective in certain subpopulations of patients.


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How to Cite
Skrobich , P. (2015). Place of antazoline in modern pharmacotherapy. Cardiology in Practice, 9(3), 39-42. Retrieved from


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