The importance of elevated triglycerides levels in everyday clinical practice – what is worth remembering? Review article

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Filip M. Szymański


Different types of dyslipidemia include disorders in concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides. Following the included in the guidelines of scientific societies supremacy of the assessment and the need to reduce the levels of LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol), we often forget how much concentrations triglycerides influence the prognosis. The following report presents current views on the importance of the presence of elevated triglycerides levels in assessing the prognosis of patients, along with pharmacological methods of reducing triglycerides concentration, especially with the use of a preferred drug – fenofibrate.


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How to Cite
Szymański , F. M. (2015). The importance of elevated triglycerides levels in everyday clinical practice – what is worth remembering?. Cardiology in Practice, 9(3), 11-16. Retrieved from


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