Antiplatelet therapy in pregnant women – benefit and risk Review article

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Aleksandra Jagodzińska
Bronisława Pietrzak
Agnieszka Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska
Artur Mamcarz


In the era of increasing number of pregnant women receiving antiplatelet or antitrombotic therapy, it seems necessary to more accurately understand the mechanism of interaction of these drugs, both in the mother and foetus tissues. The drug therapy in these patients should be very carefully considered because of its potential toxicity and teratogenicity on the foetus. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), whose effect is the main subject of this study, is a drug used more and more often in obstetric failures and conditions requiring antiplatelet therapy. Treatment with low-dose ASA during pregnancy is relatively safe; however, it involves a risk of foetal gastroschisis.


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Jagodzińska , A., Pietrzak , B., Cudnoch-Jędrzejewska , A., & Mamcarz , A. (2015). Antiplatelet therapy in pregnant women – benefit and risk. Cardiology in Practice, 9(3), 3-11. Retrieved from


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