Aims of metabolic control in diabetes – therapeutic implications Review article

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Katarzyna Mateńka-Koć
Krzysztof Dęmbe
Przemysław Krasnodębski
Leszek Czupryniak


Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia. Poorly controlled diabetes leads to multiple organ complications (mainly eyes and heart) and can affect many systems – nerves, small and large vessels – that result in target organ failures (such as eyes, heart, kidneys). Multifactorial approach is necessary to achieve metabolic control in diabetes. That includes changes in lifestyle, reduction in body mass index as well as hypoglycemic, hypotensive and lipid-lowering therapy.


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Mateńka-Koć , K., Dęmbe , K., Krasnodębski , P., & Czupryniak , L. (2015). Aims of metabolic control in diabetes – therapeutic implications. Cardiology in Practice, 9(4), 6-11. Retrieved from


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