SPRINT trial – the beginning of marathon of changes in hypertension treatment? Review article

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Piotr Sobieraj
Jacek Lewandowski


SPRINT is a crucial study concerning target blood pressure in patients with higher cardiovascular risk, also in elderly. It collates intensive treatment (systolic blood pressure reduction to circa 120 mmHg) with standard strategy (systolic blood pressure reduction below 140 mmHg). In the article the results of SPRINT are presented in reference to guidelines in hypertension treatment. The advantages and disadvantages of reduction of blood pressure below actually recommended values are discussed. The conclusions of recently published meta-analysis according to target blood pressure are also attached.


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How to Cite
Sobieraj , P., & Lewandowski , J. (2016). SPRINT trial – the beginning of marathon of changes in hypertension treatment?. Cardiology in Practice, 10(2), 28-35. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1284


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