Tri-drug therapy of arterial hypertension – internal medicine point of view Review article

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Marcin Wełnicki
Dominika Dąbrowska
Artur Mamcarz


 Arterial hypertension is common condition in patients admitted to medical words. Optimal pharmacotherapy in those patients is often difficult to obtain because of many coexisting diseases. Those coexisting conditions as far as potential contraindications have to be taken into consideration. Pharmacotherapy has to be not only efficient but also good tolerated. It is often easy to obtain polipragmazy instead of polipharmacotherapy. In hypertensive patients triple pharmacotherapy is often needed. Fix dose of perindoprile, amlodipine and indapamide sustain release can be optimal choice in many of those patients.


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How to Cite
Wełnicki , M., Dąbrowska , D., & Mamcarz , A. (2016). Tri-drug therapy of arterial hypertension – internal medicine point of view. Cardiology in Practice, 10(2), 17-21. Retrieved from


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