Analysis of sexual dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes – pilot study Original article

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Krzysztof Dęmbe
Przemysław Krasnodębski
Leszek Czupryniak


Introduction: The objective of this study was to compare the degree of erection and ejaculation disorders in patients with type 2 diabetes to a control group of men without diabetes. A correlation analysis of the incidence of erection and ejaculation disorders with selected anthropometric and clinical parameters was also conducted.

Materials and methods: In this study, 46 men with type 2 diabetes (age 57 ± 11 years) were included as well as a control group composed of 20 men without diabetes (age 54 ± 12 years). Every subject filled out the International Index of Erectile Function questionnaire and had selected parameters measured, such as BMI, blood pressure, cardiac function, and WHR.

Results: The rate of erection dysfunction in diabetic patients was significantly greater compared to the control group (60% vs. 25%; p = 0.007). Erection dysfunction was present in 28 men with diabetes, of which 12 men reported a complete inability to have an erection with the remaining 16 reporting incomplete erections. In comparing the group with erection disorders to those without, significant differences related to the incidence of macroangiopathic, retinopathic, or nephropathic complications were not observed. Polyneuropathy (64.2% vs. 38.8%) and visceropathy (50% vs. 27.7%) were more often observed in patients with erection dysfunction. Among diabetic patients with erection dysfunction, a greater WHR was found (p < 0.01). Ejaculation disorders occurred at a significantly greater rate in patients with type 2 diabetes (45.6% vs. 20%; p < 0.04), mainly in the form in an inability to ejaculate (16 patients).

Conclusion: Erection dysfunction is very common complication of type 2 diabetes. It’s more common in men who are obese and lead sedentary lifestyles. Ejaculation disorders also affect a significant amount of diabetic men.


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How to Cite
Dęmbe , K., Krasnodębski , P., & Czupryniak , L. (2016). Analysis of sexual dysfunction in patients with type 2 diabetes – pilot study. Cardiology in Practice, 10(3), 3-9. Retrieved from


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