Badanie pilotowe Sexual dysfunction in women with diabetes mellitus type 2. Pilot study Original article

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Krzysztof Dęmbe
Przemysław Krasnodębski
Leszek Czupryniak


Objective: This study aimed to examine the prevalence of female sexual dysfunction: lubrication difficulties, loss of ability to reach orgasm (orgasmic dysfunction), loss of sexual interest or desire and overall sexual satisfaction in woman with type 2 diabetes, compare this prevalence rate with age-matched control group.

Research design and methods: The study was conducted in 61 women with diabetes type 2 and age-matched control group of 32 healthy women. Patients and control subjects were asked to complete validated questionnaires. Sexual function was evaluated by an abbreviated version of the Female Sexual Function Index. The medical records of the patients were used to obtain data on BMI, macro- and microvascular complications of diabetes, neuropathy.

Results: More women with diabetes than control subjects reported sexual dysfunction (problem with orgasm, loss of libido, decreased lubrication, overall sexual satisfaction). No association was found between sexual dysfunction and age, BMI, complications.

Conclusion: Female sexual dysfunction is more frequent in diabetic women than in control women and affects all aspects of sexual function and satisfaction. Women with diabetes should be routinely queried about the presence of sexual dysfunction.


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How to Cite
Dęmbe , K., Krasnodębski , P., & Czupryniak , L. (2017). Badanie pilotowe Sexual dysfunction in women with diabetes mellitus type 2. Pilot study. Cardiology in Practice, 11(1), 19-22. Retrieved from


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