Complications and dysfunctions after coronary artery catheterization with radial artery access Review article

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Joanna Urbańska
Marek Chmielewski
Marek Kuch
Maciej Janiszewski


Coronary artery angioplasty is increasingly being performed by radial artery access. Compared to femoral access, radial access is characterized by less number of complications and it can reduce the patient’s hospitalization time. However, complications after catheterization of coronary arteries by radial artery also happen. Usually these are hematoma at the site of the artery puncture, less often happens severe dysfunction of the upper limb due to pain or paraesthesia. Rare complications include weakness or loss of pulse on the radial artery after surgery. There is still a lack of research on complications in the functioning of the upper limb after surgery and how to cope with it. According to many specialists cardiological rehabilitation after angioplasty of coronary vessels should be an integral part of the proceedings.


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How to Cite
Urbańska , J., Chmielewski , M., Kuch , M., & Janiszewski , M. (2017). Complications and dysfunctions after coronary artery catheterization with radial artery access. Cardiology in Practice, 11(1), 13-18. Retrieved from


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