Profile of the patient effectively treated with fixed-dose, triple-combination ternary preparation – hypertensiologist’s point of view Case report

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Krystyna Widecka


An obese patient with poorly controlled hypertension was presented in article. Based on patients’ examinations and additional studies his cardiovascular risk was estimated. Fixed-dose, triple-combination drug was introduced in patients treatment, after earlier therapeutic modifications. Satisfactory blood pressure control has been achieved. Based on this case, a principles of hypotensive therapy were presented including benefits followed the use of fixed-dose combination drugs. The reasons of using of perindopril, amlodipine and indapamide were also discussed.


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How to Cite
Widecka , K. (2017). Profile of the patient effectively treated with fixed-dose, triple-combination ternary preparation – hypertensiologist’s point of view. Cardiology in Practice, 11(2), 30-36. Retrieved from


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