Synchronous occurrence of left atrial myxoma and chondromatous pulmonary hamartoma – case report Case report

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Mariusz Wójcik
Marcin Kostkiewicz
Jerzy Kuźniar
Andrzej Przybylski


We report a case of a 58-year-old woman admitted to the hospital due to one episode of syncope, progressive excercise intolerance, dyspnea, and palpitations since one month. Diagnostic imaging revealed two tumors: cardiac and pulmonary. Cardiac mass arise within left atrium and fall into the left ventricle during systole, mimicking the mitral stenosis. Pulmonary mass was located in 6 bronchopulmonary segment of the left lung and was attached to visceral pleura. It was impossible to perform a fine-needle aspiration due to it’s location behind the aorta. An urgent right mini-thoracotomy and mass resection was performed. The next step was a wedge resection of the lung. Histology showed myxoma of the heart and pulmonary hamartoma. The postoperative course of the patient was uncomplicated.


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How to Cite
Wójcik , M., Kostkiewicz , M., Kuźniar , J., & Przybylski , A. (2018). Synchronous occurrence of left atrial myxoma and chondromatous pulmonary hamartoma – case report. Cardiology in Practice, 11(4), 28-33. Retrieved from


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