Electrolyte disturbances as a potential cause of cardiac arrest – current state of knowledge Review article
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According to the current guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the reversible causes of cardiac arrest, i.e. one in which specific, effective treatment can be applied, are divided into 2 groups, depending on the first letter of English words, to facilitate their memorization. Both groups consist of 4 elements. These are: 4H group and 4T group. The 4H group includes electrolyte disturbances – for example, hyper-/hypokalemia, hypoxia, hypovolemia and hypothermia. The 4T group includes: thromboembolism, cardiac tamponade, toxins and pneumothorax. Electrolyte serum imbalances are one of the most common problems in clinical practice. They can result in dangerous kinds of arrhythmia,consequently leading to sudden cardiac arrest. Most common causes, EKG morphology abnormalities, possible cardiac rhythm disturbances and recommended treatment are discussed in this paper.
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