Personal data protection – outline of the issue Review article

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Tomasz Osiej


This article contains outline of the rules set out by the general data protection regulation (GDPR) with special consideration for the cardiologists needs. It begins with general description of the GDPR and its main notions such as personal data. Then, the principles of personal data processing are presented, together with examples of their proper application. Next part focuses on legal basis for processing in healthcare sector, which includes not only prerequisites set out in the GDPR, but also those deriving from Polish national law. The last part deals with technical and organisational security measures that have to be applied, in order to protect personal data. Specific examples pertaining to the healthcare sector are provided which include documentation handling.


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How to Cite
Osiej , T. (2019). Personal data protection – outline of the issue. Cardiology in Practice, 13(1), 8-12. Retrieved from
On the border of cardiology


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