Ablation of atrial arrhythmia: indications, outcomes and safety Review article

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Michał M. Farkowski


Taking into account cotemporary knowledge and available equipment, current clinical guidelines indicate catheter ablation as a treatment of choice (class I A) in most of recurrent atrial arrhythmias especially those resistant to pharmacotherapy. Effectiveness and safety of ablation depend both on the index arrhythmia and experience of the operator/center. Patients with documented narrow QRS tachycardias (especially typical atrial flutter) should be considered for electrophysiological consultation due to high chance of a successful and curative procedure.


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How to Cite
Farkowski , M. M. (2019). Ablation of atrial arrhythmia: indications, outcomes and safety. Cardiology in Practice, 13(3-4), 3-5. Retrieved from https://journalsmededu.pl/index.php/kwp/article/view/1178
Electrocardiography in practice


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