Echocardiography on the emergency departments – the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging recommendations 2013 Review article

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Anna Hrynkiewicz-Szymańska
Wojciech Braksator


Echocardiography is the one of the most popular cardiac imaging method. Many advantages of this technique such as versatile, mobility and cost-effectiveness cause that echocardiography remains very important to assess patients with unstable cardiovascular diseases. At the beginning of 2013 year the new common recommendations of European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging, European Association of Echocardiography and European Society of Cardiology were published to propose standards for adequate education and training of physicians performing echocardiography in the emergency setting.


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How to Cite
Hrynkiewicz-Szymańska , A., & Braksator , W. (2013). Echocardiography on the emergency departments – the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging recommendations 2013. Cardiology in Practice, 7(1), 17-19. Retrieved from


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